The Breakfast Smoothie

19 02 2011

I make a smoothie about 4 days a week for breakfast. I think they’re delicious, I pack them with nutrients, and they keep me satisfied until lunch time. Just like your workout, it’s important to switch up smoothie ingredients to prevent boredom.


Blackberry Banana Smoothie

Check out this post from “No Meat Athlete” on the perfect smoothie formula. There are lots of great ideas.

Here are some of my favorite combinations:

Peanut Butter Banana: 1/2 cup light soy milk, 1 banana, 1 tbsp. natural peanut butter, 1 tbsp. chocolate soy protein powder, pinch of wheat bran or natural oats, ice

Blackberry Banana: 1/2 drinkable pro-biotic strawberry yogurt, banana, handful of blackberries, 10 almonds, ice

Blueberry Vanilla: 1/2 vanilla Greek yogurt, handful of blueberries, tbsp. honey, pinch of oats, splash of water, ice

Chocolate Banana: 1/2 cup light soy milk, 1 banana, 2 tbsp. chocolate soy protein powder, wheat bran, ice

Switch it up! Be adventurous with your fruit–try mango or melon. You can also keep a stash of frozen berries that you can add to a smoothie if you are out of fresh fruit. Make sure you have some protein in your smoothie (Greek yogurt, almonds, protein powder) to counteract the sugar of yogurt and fruit. Enjoy!



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